Friday, 1 May 2015

flower pressing/pva layering

1. I picked several different types of flowers from my garden and put them in between pieces of tracing paper.
2. After doing this I found a world atlas to put them between.
3. I had to leave them to dry out in the atlas for 10 days before I could remove them.
4. After waiting 10 days to take them out of the atlas I took them out and took them to college with me.
5. I was deciding how to present them in my book and I had an original plan of just using watercolour to decorate the page. I then came up with the more exciting idea of putting them on top of a collage.
6. To create the collage I used scrap bits of paper from my printing and also prints that hadn't turned out as I desired.
7. To preserve the flowers I embedded them in pva glue so they became less delicate to handle and make them easier to put into my book.

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