Wednesday, 24 June 2015

Final show

This is my final show. One wall is backdrop prints on tracing paper with bunches of large daisies coming down between them. I used large daisies to emphasise the summer season vibe. And then as another part of my installation I've gathered all sorts of leaves,some flowers from Brandon hill and my garden . I've made sure to keep to summer colours to keep to the current season.
I've places them on the floor to make that space more interesting and also because it works with the outside inside vibe. My 9 main final prints are on tracing paper to pick up as much of the detail on the leaves as I could and then they were mounted onto green card. I displayed them 3x3 completely straight and accurately spaced apart to make sure they look as professional as possible. The prints are made from leaves I have used in the installation making them work together well at the exhibition. I kept the concept the same of how nature means a lot to me personally I just made it less literall in this final piece. And this final piece showed more on my other concept of how nature surrounds us everywhere. 

Monday, 22 June 2015

Transfer printing

I went up to Brandon hill to collect as many leaves as I could to do my back drop printing. The tracing paper I'm using is a3 size and to fill my board I will have to to 9 prints. To get started I set up my printing equipment with the help of a tutor. We mixed a forest green and dark teal colour to make the prints stand out. I then rolled ink onto one of my chosen leaves until I'm sure I've covered all the areas necessarily. I then take my leaf and lay it on top of a sheet of tracing paper. When I'm content with the position of the leaf I place another sheet of tracing paper on top. You can then either use a roller or your hands to get all the details of the veins of the leaf to transfer. I felt like using my hands got better results as shown in the photos above. Final show posts are to come.

Sunday, 21 June 2015

After assessment conclusion

After my assessment I only achieved a pass to bump my grade up I have completely scrapped my final piece and instead will do a series of leaf prints and an installation for my final show. I will be using transfer print. More annotations to come.

Wednesday, 17 June 2015

Final piece outcomes

My final outcome ended up being a series of 4 biro portraits. The overall theme of my project was being at one with nature and about what nature meant to me personally hence the focus on self portraits. I decided the best way to get this across would be to use metamorphosis in my work to combine me and nature together. The deeper meanings that my work started to become about were about how we abuse and take for granted our surroundings and resources such as forests. I chose to present it in a certain way so they each compliment each other but still work as a series. I hole punched them and put string onto them so I can hang them onto trees which brings out their meaning but also because in my final show I'm doing an installation to go with my project to make the concepts more obvious. The installation is going to have an outside inside theme and I'm going to hang the series of mixed media pieces from the ceilings along with daisy chains. On the floor I was going to gather branches from fur trees and gather flowers from natural areas near where I live. This is so whoever is observing my work is surrounded by the theme of nature and it becomes them as they observe my work.

Monday, 8 June 2015

Bubble wrap page

I had to take this page out of my book as the technique didn't end up working because the flowers still had moisture in them. The flowers began to rot between the bubble wrap and started to look And smell disgusting. The only good thing to come out of this was that it relates to anya gallaccios work which I have been looking at for inspiration this project.

Saturday, 30 May 2015

Creating characters from animals/plants

                      Before Editing 
                      After Editing 

Friday, 29 May 2015

Grace Ciao reaction work

                   Before Editing 

               After Editing